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The Law & Education

Oct 1, 2020

As a way to stay abreast of the current Title IX climate, we have put together this short, informational episode at a time when schools are practically installing and experiencing the new regulations. This episode takes the form of a brief list of pain points that have been identified since these new policies have been put into practice and new reports of sexual harassment are being received. We talk about the overwhelm that 2020 has caused, from the global pandemic and quarantine to the issues specific to the Title IX space. The challenge of filling roles now that schools are back is also mentioned before we run through the evaluation process, issues with complaint-filing, and more. Make sure to join us for this quick update on some important aspects of the Title IX landscape!


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Many of us are still reeling from the pandemic, the new regulations and returning to a new normal.
  • Advice for tackling the challenges of finding people to fill new roles.
  • The process of evaluation; the complexity of definitions in the Title IX space currently.
  • Considerations for Title IX Coordinators on when to sign a Formal Complaint.
  • The importance of smooth transitions in your Title IX process.



“Take a deep breath, do what you can, and document any delays in meeting the department of education's August 14th deadline.” — @ICSLawyer [0:01:17]

“The Title IX process itself is prescriptive. Many of you are still determining your internal process and who is going to serve in those key Title IX roles.” — @ICSLawyer [0:06:05]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

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